Your comments

Build: 25.1.10

Issue Type Components Summary
Bug Session Groups

Unable to load Sessions if SessionGroup.xml doesn't contains SessionFilter attribute

Build: 25.1.9

Issue Type Components Summary
Bug Performance, Relay Service

Occasional input delays in 24.4.5 compared to earlier versions

Build: 25.1.8

Issue Type Components Summary
Bug Login Page

CW SSO partners cannot log in after update to 25.1

Build: 25.1.7

Issue Type Components Summary
Task Licensing

Rename basic license capability from AdministerTriggers to AdministerAutomations

Bug Login Page

New login panel should have "username" as the placeholder text, not "email address"

Bug Session Groups

Session group filters with $XDAYSAGO variable can stop working

Bug Session Groups

Session info fails to load when accessing a group containing certain subgroup expressions

Bug Access Management, Windows Server

Windows 7 and Server 2008 64-bit machines show LoginUI error on user logoff, shutdown, and reboot

Build: 25.1.5

Issue Type Components Summary
Task Extended Auditing

Make session captures real session events


Create method to return partner ID


Reverted hot-reloading configuration changes

Build: 25.1.4

Issue Type Components Summary
Task Admin Page, Automations, Event Triggers, UIUX

Rename Triggers page to Automations page

Task Expression Editor

Improve session group creation with session expression builder

Task Guest Client, UIUX

Update application resources with new branding

Task Host Page

Rename Access Management tab to Privileged Access

Task Host Page, UIUX

Remove extra padding on navigation bar and sub-detail panel

Bug Session Manager Service, Web Server Service

Exception when shutting down Session Manager service

Task Event Triggers

Encode HTML in trigger emails

Task Guest Page

New Guest page background image for 2025

Task Java Client, macOS, UIUX

Update button bar background color

Task Login Page

Updated login page look-and-feel


Update the default value of the session filter placeholder text

Bug Relay Service, Security Manager Service, Session Manager Service, web.config

Hot-reloading configuration changes don't take effect until service restart


macOS installer incompatible with Catalina and Big Sur

Build: 24.4.6

Issue Type Components Summary
Feature Authentication

Create new membership provider that supports ASIO requirements

Build: 24.4.5

Issue Type Components Summary
Feature Authentication

Reverted Asio Membership Provider work

Build: 24.4.4

Issue Type Components Summary
Task Authentication, CWSSO

Authentication urls unable to handle encoded values like space

Bug Access Management

Win11 - CAM not reporting elevation info

Build: 24.4.2

Issue Type Components Summary
Feature Access Management

Add Local Admin to General Info Tab

Task Security

Prevent ScreenConnect server version from being disclosed


Prevent MIME sniffing by default for cloud and on-premises instances

Task Host Page, UIUX

Update web resources - LogoPanel.Icon and LogoPanel.IconLight with new branding

Task Host Page, UIUX

Update web resources with new branding

Task Web Application

New DarkTeal theme

Task web.config

Prevent direct web access to toolbox files


Provide a way to allow querying for attributes such as 'HasStoredCredentials'

Bug Extension, Installer

Translation extensions get created with null bytes at end of manifest - Product side changes

Bug Toolbox

Toolbox dialog does not close when the Run button is clicked.


Guest attributes reporting None on initial client connection even if creds are stored