Your comments
Build: 25.1.9
Issue Type | Components | Summary |
Bug | Performance, Relay Service | Occasional input delays in 24.4.5 compared to earlier versions |
Build: 25.1.8
Issue Type | Components | Summary |
Bug | Login Page | CW SSO partners cannot log in after update to 25.1 |
Build: 25.1.7
Issue Type | Components | Summary |
Task | Licensing | Rename basic license capability from AdministerTriggers to AdministerAutomations |
Bug | Login Page | New login panel should have "username" as the placeholder text, not "email address" |
Bug | Session Groups | Session group filters with $XDAYSAGO variable can stop working |
Bug | Session Groups | Session info fails to load when accessing a group containing certain subgroup expressions |
Bug | Access Management, Windows Server | Windows 7 and Server 2008 64-bit machines show LoginUI error on user logoff, shutdown, and reboot |
Build: 25.1.5
Issue Type | Components | Summary |
Task | Extended Auditing | Make session captures real session events |
Task | Create method to return partner ID |
Task | Reverted hot-reloading configuration changes |
Build: 25.1.4
Issue Type | Components | Summary |
Task | Admin Page, Automations, Event Triggers, UIUX | Rename Triggers page to Automations page |
Task | Expression Editor | Improve session group creation with session expression builder |
Task | Guest Client, UIUX | Update application resources with new branding |
Task | Host Page | Rename Access Management tab to Privileged Access |
Task | Host Page, UIUX | Remove extra padding on navigation bar and sub-detail panel |
Bug | Session Manager Service, Web Server Service | Exception when shutting down Session Manager service |
Task | Event Triggers | Encode HTML in trigger emails |
Task | Guest Page | New Guest page background image for 2025 |
Task | Java Client, macOS, UIUX | Update button bar background color |
Task | Login Page | Updated login page look-and-feel |
Task | Update the default value of the session filter placeholder text |
Bug | Relay Service, Security Manager Service, Session Manager Service, web.config | Hot-reloading configuration changes don't take effect until service restart |
Bug | macOS installer incompatible with Catalina and Big Sur |
Build: 24.4.6
Issue Type | Components | Summary |
Feature | Authentication | Create new membership provider that supports ASIO requirements |
Build: 24.4.5
Issue Type | Components | Summary |
Feature | Authentication | Reverted Asio Membership Provider work |
Build: 24.4.4
Issue Type | Components | Summary |
Task | Authentication, CWSSO | Authentication urls unable to handle encoded values like space |
Bug | Access Management | Win11 - CAM not reporting elevation info |
Build: 24.4.2
Issue Type | Components | Summary |
Feature | Access Management | Add Local Admin to General Info Tab |
Task | Security | Prevent ScreenConnect server version from being disclosed |
Task | Prevent MIME sniffing by default for cloud and on-premises instances |
Task | Host Page, UIUX | Update web resources - LogoPanel.Icon and LogoPanel.IconLight with new branding |
Task | Host Page, UIUX | Update web resources with new branding |
Task | Web Application | New DarkTeal theme |
Task | web.config | Prevent direct web access to toolbox files |
Task | Provide a way to allow querying for attributes such as 'HasStoredCredentials' |
Bug | Extension, Installer | Translation extensions get created with null bytes at end of manifest - Product side changes |
Bug | Toolbox | Toolbox dialog does not close when the Run button is clicked. |
Bug | Guest attributes reporting None on initial client connection even if creds are stored |
Customer support service by UserEcho
Build: 25.1.10
Unable to load Sessions if SessionGroup.xml doesn't contains SessionFilter attribute