Your comments
Hey Kristen,
I worked with Kapsersky directly on this problem and they issued a private fix for us. It gets rid of the secondary UAC type prompt that is visible on the client end but not through a remote session. I'm not certain, but maybe the PF can be applied for other Kapserky customers?
I just updated to 6.3 and am still not able to control Kaspersky Endpoint Security 10.
I am facing the same problem. It seems like every other remote support tool is able to interact with Kaspersky except ScreenConnect. Can you please look into this problem further and/or follow up further with Kaspersky to figure out a solution?
Customer support service by UserEcho
If we can't get this access to build this extension can you please add information for:
Last Boot - $lastboot = gwmi -Class Win32_OperatingSystem ; $lastboot.ConvertToDateTime($lastboot.LastBootUpTime)
SMART info - gwmi -Class Win32_DiskDrive | select status
Boot Drive type - $hd = gwmi -Namespace root\\Microsoft\\Windows\\Storage -Class 'MSFT_PhysicalDisk' -Filter 'DeviceId=0' | select mediatype
if ($hd.mediatype -eq 4) { $hdtype = 'SSD'} elseif ($hd.mediatype -eq 3) {$hdtype = 'HDD'}
Bitlocker Status - Get-WmiObject -Namespace ROOT\CIMV2\Security\Microsoftvolumeencryption -Class Win32_encryptablevolume -Filter "DriveLetter = 'C:'" | select protectionstatus
Last WindowsHotfix - gwmi Win32_quickfixengineering -Filter "Description = 'Security Update'" | select -last 1 | select HotFixID, InstalledOn