Your comments

Build: 23.8.1

Issue Type Components Summary
Task Login Page, Security

Further restrict allowed values for ReturnUrl parameter of login process

Bug Event Triggers, Extension Runtime, Session Manager Service

Exceptions thrown from dynamic event triggers can crash the server process


Join session dialog has misleading instructions for downloads in Edge

Build: 23.8.0

Issue Type Components Summary
Feature Admin Page

New warning message when saving settings that will cause the instance to restart

Feature Guest Client, Host Client, macOS

Create universal Mac application

Feature Reporting

Add 'report timestamps as client local' for the Report Generator extension

Task .NET Client, Host Client, UIUX

Improve host client by fixing various layout, zoom, maximizing, and focus bugs

Task CAM, Event Triggers, Host Page

Session event triggers for Access Management updated to use new Access Management tab on Host page

Task Host Page, Session Groups

Added new property to session groups in-app reference: GuestOperatingSystemInstallationTime

Task Java Client, macOS

Upgrade Mac client to utilize OpenJDK LTS-17.0.7 GA

Task Java Client, macOS

Transition to the notarytool command line utility for MacOS

Bug .NET Client, Host Client

Windows host client doesn't restore to saved placement on screen

Bug Event Triggers, Extension Runtime, Session Manager Service

Prevent dynamic session event triggers from directly mutating session state

Bug Guest Client, Java Client, macOS

OS X guest disconnects and may not reconnect when changing the date or time on the guest machine

Bug Server, Web Application

Large files download slowly from web application over connections with latency

Build: 23.7.8

Issue Type Components Summary
Task Guest Client, Host Client, Performance, Security

Disable vulnerable libwebp codec for all clients

Task Java Client, macOS

Update Apple developer certificate (used to sign bundle)

Bug Authentication, Extension API

GetMappedRoleNames() method is not backwards compatible

Build: 23.7.7

Issue Type Components Summary
Bug .NET Client, Installer

ClickOnceRun .exe file does not have all code signatures

Bug Authentication, OAuth2, SAML

Empty SAML/OAuth2 usernames throw ArgumentNullException on login

Build: 23.7.5

Issue Type Components Summary
Bug Admin Page, Extension

Read-only extensions settings are blown away when saving from in-product extension settings modal

Bug Cloud, Code Signing, Installer

Installer signing fails using self signed certificate in cloud instances

Bug Host Page, UIUX

Session name field is empty after creating Support/Meeting session

Build: 23.7.4

Issue Type Components Summary
Task .NET Client, Guest Client

Expand API for post-session guest dialog iframes

Bug .NET Client, Guest Client, Host Client, UIUX

Image size is too large in feedback dialog

Bug DB Maintenance, UIUX

Empty value is showing in DB maintenance SessionType dropdown

Bug Guest Client

Windows guest clients can lose guest validation key on rare occasions and refuse to connect back

Bug License Page, Server, Web Server Service

Old on-prem licenses fail to initialize