Your comments

Build: 19.4.24619

Issue Type Components Summary
Task Administration Page ; Authentication ; UIUX Remove disabled user sources from admin page on default install
Task Guest Client ; .NET Client ; UIUX Under control banner style updates
Task Host Client ; UIUX Show tooltips for Mute/Unmute button in SoundControlPanel in Host Client
Task Host Client ; .NET Client ; UIUX Added some padding for docked panel in Host client border-less design
Task Host Page ; UIUX Update timeline colors for guest and host
Task Host Page ; Session Groups ; UIUX Update session group reference with Uptime
Task Host Page ; UIUX Create Prototypes for Updated Tab UI
Task Host Page ; UIUX Implement minimum column widths - Web UI
Task Host Page ; UIUX Update Wake-on-LAN message in the command's dialog
Task Linux ; Mono Server Upgrade Mono to improve supportability of on-premise Linux installations
Sub-task Host Client ; Java Client ; UIUX Number the buttons within the 'Select Monitor' toolbar control beginning from '1' instead of '0'
Sub-bug Cloud Cloud: Constructor on type ScreenConnect.ColumnDefinition not found
Story Administration Page ; Security ; UIUX Add User Name to "Delete User" Modal
Story Administration Page ; Authentication ; Security Improve efficiency creating or editing internal users
Story Host Client ; Java Client ; .NET Client ; UIUX Add toggle switch to host client to control clipboard sync
Story Host Page ; UIUX Timeline Redesign - V1
Story Host Page ; UIUX Better differentiation between Notes, Commands, and Messages tabs
Story Host Page ; UIUX Make shift+doubleclick on session open the "join with options" dialog
Story Host Page ; Manage Toolbox ; Toolbox ; UIUX Access Manage Toolbox from Run Tool dialog
Bug Authentication ; Web Server Service Norwegian language setting in browser corrupts SAML request
Bug Authentication ; Mono Server ; Security Password hashes are not correctly transformed/maintained when upgrading the server on mono
Bug Extension Runtime LoadError is not produced when no extension components can be loaded due to version requirements
Bug Guest Client ; Java Client ; Linux Guest Java client doesn't send screen data for non-Mac operating systems
Bug Guest Client ; .NET Client Meeting guest client View menu includes non-functional "Share My Desktop" button
Bug Guest Client ; .NET Client ; UIUX Guest name does not show up in Windows Client chat box
Bug Guest Page ; UIUX ActionPanel and Welcome panel should be vertical aligned
Bug Guest Page ; Mobile ; UIUX Join button on guest page is positioned incorrectly on Samsung Galaxy Tab S4
Bug Helper ; Host Client ; .NET Client Helper's Google search does not return results past page 1
Bug Helper ; Host Client ; .NET Client Helper's Google search button does not return results when button is clicked
Bug Host Client ; .NET Client ; UIUX Sync view control panel logon session drop down with current logon session
Bug Host Client ; .NET Client ; UIUX Monitor selection panel isn't refreshing every second
Bug Host Client ; Java Client ; Mobile ; .NET Client ; Performance The Windows client does not auto refresh when connects to a iOS device
Bug Host Client ; .NET Client An error is logged in event log when a host disconnects from an access guest client
Bug Host Client ; .NET Client ; UIUX Meeting Host panel extends into taskbar
Bug Host Client ; Performance Screen Capturing around Mouse looks weird
Bug Host Client ; Java Client ; Mac ; UIUX Java host client: no scrollbars when maximized while connected to a guest with a larger resolution than the host
Bug Host Client ; .NET Client Using asian language IME in host prevents keyboard input in guest
Bug Host Page ; UIUX Session table hover over state will override selected state
Bug Host Page ; UIUX No result shown after send email in Host Page invitation tab
Bug Host Page ; UIUX Command results from windows seem to include a blank newline at beginning
Bug Performance Investigate whether ScreenFlushMessage should have MessageAttribute isUrgent=true
Bug Performance ; Session Manager Service Improve cached entry handling for subgroups with a large number of sessions on very active servers

Build: 19.3.24568

Issue Type Components Summary
Task Extension API ; Permissions Add ability to demand any permission via an attribute
Task Guest Client ; Performance Include FPS in trace log
Task Guest Client ; Java Client ; Mac ; Performance Implement performance updates in Mac/Java
Task Security ; UIUX Add ability in UI to set PrimaryAccessTokenEarliestValidIssueTime
Task Triggers ; UIUX Update Trigger Reference to include ModifiedGuestInfo and new relevant OldSession object
Story Host Client ; Java Client ; UIUX Add button bar to the Java Host client
Story Host Page ; Security Provide a way to 'unqueue' queued items
Story Host Page ; UIUX Updated End Modal
Bug Client Resource ; Host Client ; .NET Client ; UIUX Windows host client tooltip banner displays incorrect string
Bug Client Resource ; .NET Client ; UIUX Fix broken windows host client button command texts
Bug Client Resource ; Guest Client ; UIUX Unable to close guest client window when .resources file disappears
Bug Guest Client ; Installer ; Java Client ; Mac 6.9.21027.6898 to 19.1 agent update breaks on Macs
Bug Guest Client ; .NET Client ; Performance WebP to ZStandard codec switching doesn't happen quickly
Bug Guest Client ; Host Client ; .NET Client ; UIUX Deactivating a connected RDP session causes a connected host client to flash and appear unresponsive
Bug Guest Client Black screen on Windows Server 2019 Standard (headless)
Bug Guest Client ; Host Client ; .NET Client Blanking certain multi-monitor guests sends the blanked display to the host client as well
Bug Host Page ; UIUX ; Web Application Downloading the access agent build installer opens a new tab briefly
Bug Host Page ; UIUX Default references to CustomProperty1 should be "Company"
Bug Host Page ; UIUX Hardware network (MAC) address isn't rendered correctly
Bug Host Page ; UIUX Notification red dot will be cut off in narrow master panel
Bug Java Client ; UIUX File transfer progress dialog shown when reinstalling from host page
Bug Relay Service ; Server GetServerUri can return Relay port of -1
Bug Security ; Web Application Login context is not renewed as it was before

Build: 19.2.24567

Issue Type Components Summary
Task Extension API ; Permissions Add ability to demand any permission via an attribute
Task Security ; UIUX Add ability in UI to set PrimaryAccessTokenEarliestValidIssueTime
Task Triggers ; UIUX Update Trigger Reference to include ModifiedGuestInfo and new relevant OldSession object
Story Host Page ; Security Provide a way to 'unqueue' queued items
Story Host Page ; UIUX Updated End Modal
Bug Backstage ; Guest Client ; UIUX Join Backstage with Option from host page is notifying machine users
Bug Client Resource ; Host Client ; .NET Client ; UIUX Windows host client tooltip banner displays incorrect string
Bug Client Resource ; .NET Client ; UIUX Fix broken windows host client button command texts
Bug Client Resource ; Guest Client ; UIUX Unable to close guest client window when .resources file disappears
Bug Guest Client ; Installer ; Java Client ; Mac 6.9.21027.6898 to 19.1 agent update breaks on Macs
Bug Guest Client ; Host Client ; .NET Client ; UIUX Deactivating a connected RDP session causes a connected host client to flash and appear unresponsive
Bug Guest Client Black screen on Windows Server 2019 Standard (headless)
Bug Guest Client ; Host Client ; .NET Client Blanking certain multi-monitor guests sends the blanked display to the host client as well
Bug Host Page ; UIUX ; Web Application Downloading the access agent build installer opens a new tab briefly
Bug Host Page ; UIUX Default references to CustomProperty1 should be "Company"
Bug Host Page ; UIUX Hardware network (MAC) address isn't rendered correctly
Bug Host Page ; UIUX Notification red dot will be cut off in narrow master panel
Bug Java Client ; UIUX File transfer progress dialog shown when reinstalling from host page
Bug Relay Service ; Server GetServerUri can return Relay port of -1
Bug Security ; Web Application Login context is not renewed as it was before

Build: 19.1.24566

Issue Type Components Summary
Bug Guest Client, Installer, Java Client, Mac

6.9.21027.6898 to 19.1 agent update breaks on Macs

Build: 19.1.24050

Issue Type Components Summary
Task Host Client, .NET Client, UIUX

Move open new monitor window to corner button

Build: 19.2.24051

Issue Type Components Summary
Task Host Client, .NET Client, UIUX

Move open new monitor window to corner button

Build: 19.3.23980

Issue Type Components Summary
Task Host Client, Java Client, .NET Client

Change the client application directory to use it's own resource instead of ApplicationTitle

Bug Host Client, Java Client, .NET Client

ResX file Root element is missing. cannot be parsed.

Bug Host Client, Java Client, .NET Client

Upgrading from 19.3.23695.7058 to latest staging canary, 100.0.23691.7058 fails

Build: 19.3.23809

Issue Type Components Summary
Task Host Client, .NET Client, UIUX

Get rid of hover over tooltips on button panel when panel is undocked in Host Client

Task Host Client, .NET Client, Toolbox, UIUX

Toolbox panel in Host Client accidentally closes itself due to a height change

Task Host Client, UIUX

notification banner doesnt look right when windows form is maximized

Task Host Client, .NET Client, UIUX

Move open new monitor window to corner button

Task Host Client, Toolbox, UIUX

Improve the usability of Toolbar Panel in Host Client

Task Host Client, UIUX

Make Select Monitor Tile in View Panel larger to help users select monitor

Task Host Client, .NET Client, UIUX

Move to a frameless border for host and guest clients

Task Host Page, UIUX

Remove "User Forum" from user icon menu

Task Host Page, UIUX

Make the Create+ button and Join Button look nicer on Host Page.

Task Host Page, UIUX

Load Roboto Medium to host page

Task Java Client, Mac

Implement ShouldAutoConsentIfUserProcessNotRunning for Mac

Task Manage Toolbox, Toolbox, UIUX

Allow users to select multiple items in the toolbox

Task .NET Client, Performance

Investigate performance updates for Windows

Task OAuth2, SAML, Security

Accept comma-separated role names from UserInfoRoleNamesPath(OAuth) and RoleNamesAttributeKey(SAML)

Task Performance

Add ability for cache to refresh expired entries asynchronously

Task Security

Update MaxLongestTicketReissueInterval seconds to 10 hours (36000seconds)

Sub-task Host Client, Java Client, UIUX

SCP-33523 Create framework for adding macOS style buttons to Java host client

Story Customization, Host Page, UIUX

Allow build installer modal to handle HTML styles

Story Extension

CW Now Dashboard Extension

Story Guest Client, .NET Client

Allow access guest to set if a host can make a connection to their machine

Story Host Client

Add client config setting to set Backstage as default connection

Story Host Page, web.config

Provide config option for order of Support/Meeting/Access to be changed on the host nav

Story Shell, UIUX

Add new shell theme colors

Bug Administration Page, Triggers, UIUX, Web Server Service

All data list in Modal Dialog should changed to vertical layout on Mobile view

Bug Extended Auditing, Host Client, Toolbox

Change in spacing of client ApplicationTitle doesn't honor old user toolbox locations

Bug Guest Client, UIUX

Sizing issues with guest client form

Bug Guest Client, Java Client

Swapping virtual adapters on undedicated Linux Guest can result in a black screen until lightdm service is restarted

Bug Guest Client, Java Client, Mac

SessionInvalidSessionEndedMessage not rendering on Mac

Bug Helper, Host Client, UIUX

Help provider buttons take a few seconds to render and don't give any indication

Bug Host Client

Connection failure while connecting to a Windows guest from a macOS host.

Bug Host Client, Performance

ScreenFlushMessage doesn't work with old host clients

Bug Host Client, Toolbox, UIUX

Get rid of the intermediate transition state in Toolbox Panel.

Bug Host Client, .NET Client, UIUX

Host client inconsistently opens within bounds of host desktop

Bug Host Page, UIUX

Tall screenshots in detail panel can cause scrollbar instead of resizing

Bug Host Page, UIUX

More Options button in MasterPanel is not center aligned

Bug Host Page

Fix some of the bad code on the host page

Bug Host Page, UIUX

ShareMessage panel in Get Host Pass Modal gives error message when clicked

Bug .NET Client

ScreenRenderer Flushing has a bug due to incorrect tick vlaue

Bug .NET Client

add check to prevent OutOfBoundsException in Screen Capturing

Bug Backstage, Guest Client, UIUX

Join Backstage with Option from host page is notifying machine users

Build: 19.2.23978

Issue Type Components Summary
Story Host Page

Host page to remember custom column widths in Web UI

Story Security

Validate the formatting of the one-time password field when setting up a user

Bug Host Page, UIUX, Web Application, Web Server Service

AggregateException can bubble up to UI

Sub-bug Web Server Service

AsyncWebWethod exceptions shouldn't be unwrapped

Bug Installer, .NET Client

ClickOnceRun prompts user with "Unknown Publisher"

Bug Security

Trust map isn't invalidated when auth sessions are revoked