
Option to load Access Page after login as opposed to support

MJT 7 years ago updated by anonymous (Product Marketing Manager) 5 years ago 10 3 duplicates

Hi there,

We run ScreenConnect with considerable RBAC settings in place. Our Service Desk staff are only given permission to use the "access" feature of ScreenConnect, as they do not need to create support or meeting session, unlike other sections (e.g. apps support)

If one has access to the "support" page, when you log in it loads. But, if you don't have access to the "support" page, you get this after logging in:

Image 125

The staff have to click 'access' every time they load.

The feature is: change the default page - or at least load the first page the user has access to.



In 2019.3, we've added the ability to reorder the host page navigation panel. 2019.3 is currently in preview if you'd like to try this feature. You can make Access the first option and then it'll default to that tab. https://docs.connectwise.com/ConnectWise_Control_Documentation/Release_notes/ConnectWise_Control_2019.3_Release_notes

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Hi All,

Would you mind creating a bookmark? It is possible to default to a session type when logging in by adding a bookmark, to say, /Access.

I would like to bump this - Seems like it would be relatively easy to accomplish.

Simply want to choose what page is seen by default whenever ANYONE logs in. At least that would be a great start. There must be something in your code somewhere that points it to the 'Support' page. Just want a drop down in system settings to change which one it goes to.


s/screenconnect/connectwise control  :P

If you host Control on-premise you can edit the web.config file and append #Access or #Meeting to /Host here:

 <authentication mode="Forms">
      <forms cookieless="UseCookies" loginUrl="~/Login" defaultUrl="~/Host" timeout="525600" />

We are working on exposing this in the Advanced Configuration Editor for Cloud partners. 

It was bugging me one day that I had to keep going to Access as well, since I don't really use support in my case, so I wrote an extension - "Load Access Page After Login"

By default it directs you to the Access sessions when you navigate to just /Host (like when you login from the guest page). This is configurable in the extension's options > Edit Settings. It also allows hosts to determine which one they want by default as well - just have them go the one they want by default, click the user circle in the lower left, and then select the option to "Set '{page}' as my default". The ability to select this can be disabled in the extension's settings as well.


In 2019.3, we've added the ability to reorder the host page navigation panel. 2019.3 is currently in preview if you'd like to try this feature. You can make Access the first option and then it'll default to that tab. https://docs.connectwise.com/ConnectWise_Control_Documentation/Release_notes/ConnectWise_Control_2019.3_Release_notes