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Thank you for sharing your thoughts with us!
ARM64 for Windows11
It took ConnectWise over 3 years to release a Apple Silicon native application for Mac. It looks like ARM64 for Windows is about to take off on 6/18. Has this been added to ScreenConnect's roadmap to release a ARM64 for Windows?
USB Smartcard Passthrough
Please add USB Smartcard Passthrough to allow authentication in windows environments that require a Smartcard for login.
Report or Audit of permissions and account creations.
To be able to run a report or an audit log of any changes to permissions (roles) or account changes or account creations.
Support X-Forwarded-For headers
Due to insurance and industry requirements we are required to host CW Control behind an approved WAF/Proxy. But in doing so all WEB activity is logged with the WAF/proxy IP instead of the endclient IP. This decreases the value of the built-in CW Control logging and triggers functionality.
Support has confirmed that CW Control does not currently support X-Forwarded-For (XFF) which is a de-facto web standard for passing client IPs through web Proxies. Can we get this header feature added? https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/HTTP/Headers/X-Forwarded-For
I was told Control is unable to read the header response so I wouldn't be able to manually enable it via "Security Toolkit" > "ExtraSecurityHttpHeadersList".
Thanks for your request, after speaking with our Architecture team I have registered this request for future consideration.
The key concern is that the product would have to become much more aware of the reverse proxy sitting in front of it in order to properly handle the traffic in a secure manner.
Disable users who have not had activity in a period of time
The tool needs to be able to automatically disable users who have not been active for a certain period of time.
This would allow for better control over users, and if necessary, the account can be re-enabled without having to create everything from scratch.
Have you tried using the toolbox? You can use this in session to send exe's to the guest machine, or send to multiple machines via the host page:
Shared toolbox - ConnectWise
Run a tool from the shared toolbox - ConnectWise
Remote Access Android/IOS for End User T-shooting
Allow us to use ScreenConnect to remote into end users mobile phones to help troubleshoot issues. Other remote software allows this so why can't ScreenConnect do it?
Request for User-Managed Disconnect Option in RMM Remote Sessions
Certainly! Here’s a more detailed explanation:
When we establish a connection using the RMM (Remote Monitoring and Management) agent, the device is connected successfully, allowing us to perform any necessary troubleshooting or management tasks remotely. As the admin, we have the ability to disconnect from the session at any time if the task is completed or if we need to end the session.
However, it’s important to allow the user (the person whose device we’re connecting to) the option to disconnect us as well. This means that, while we can control the session from our end, the user should also have the ability to end or disconnect the remote session if they feel it's necessary or if they want to regain full control of their device. This gives the user more autonomy and ensures they have the option to stop the remote session at any time.
Dynamic Custom Properties extension - force the attribute sync on a timer
Please allow the Dynamic Custom Properties extension to force the attribute sync on a timer or some other event automatically. It currently must be run manually for each workstation.
Our use case is to show the current logged in users display name(s), we would like this value to update automatically on each access agent.
Support for xwayland
The Client requirements page says that xwayland may not work due to a known bug. This, however, isn't a bug. It's a security feature of wayland, not allowing apps to run wayland backend components as root.
It would be great if the screenconnect client could be made to work with policykit, so that it works under xwayland. Wayland is the current realty of fedora, and the coming reality of RHEL. This will be an increasing need.
We did extensive research and unfortunately will not be able to provide support for machines running Wayland protocol; please see our supportability statement here:
Blank screens on Linux machines with Wayland enabled - ConnectWise
Customer support service by UserEcho