Under Review
Windows 10S Client
Now that Windows 10S is out and Applications are locked to the Microsoft Store - we need to still ScreenConnect to our clients using Windows 10S but cannot install the client. Can the client be added to the Microsoft Store?
Customer support service by UserEcho
We are starting to see more of this as well. We just move over to connectwise control and currently Bomgar (or previous product) works on this. Is this a work around with this?
Just reached out to helpdesk about this and wanted to +! this issue. Our users are starting to use the Surface GO and we need a way to continue to support them remotely.
Hi ConnectWise Team,
As Charles and Jason have indicated there is more demand for AutoMate to support newer operating systems i.e. Windows Surface GO and MAC OSX Big Sur.
We are getting a huge demand for Windows Surface GO and MAC OSX Big Sur, however we are unable to provide Automate patching which is a massive hit to our Support and Bottom Line.
Can we please get dev team on to this a.s.a.p?
Dominik Zielonka
We have been seeing more and more S mode computers as well, the fact that we can not remote them makes our job a lot harder. please implement this sooner than later. it has been under review for 2 years.
Its great that there is the screen connect app in the windows store for us to remote connect from windows S but we really need to be able to remote them
Just ran into this today... Totally insane. Definitely need a 10S app in the Microsoft Store for Support Sessions.
Even if it is not a 10S installation, if the PC is set to run Apps from the store only, the ConnectWise Control App does not launch!! There are no end use instructions provided either
Just adding in, that this would be really useful to have connectwise working in the Microsoft store for client connects.
User was not in S mode but kept being redirected to the store; even though they were set to run apps from anywhere in their windows settings. However the store version would not work for a non-technician connection.
They didn't get an option to enter a code the same way an android user using the app would.
I think this issue should raise more concern from developers, many W10 and W11 users have (intentionally or not) activated the "windows store restriction", and for these users there is no way to install a remote agent if there is no app in the windows store.
In the worst case, the deactivation of this restriction requires an OS re-install. So explaining how to disable this restriction is not an option anymore.
Other remote control software vendors do not have this issue. It should be a shame that a 7 years old ticket is not taken seriously.
For the past seven years, there has been a consistent request from the community for ScreenConnect to extend its excellent remote access service to Windows 10S. The lack of a compatible client has been a significant hurdle for many, limiting their ability to utilize ScreenConnect’s full potential.
We understand that developing a new client requires resources and time. However, we believe that creating a Windows 10S-compatible client will not only benefit the current user base but also open up opportunities for new users who are looking for secure remote access solutions.
We, the community, are ready to support this development in any way we can, be it through beta testing or providing feedback. Your attention to this matter would be greatly appreciated and would reinforce ScreenConnect’s commitment to its user base.