
remove create support session with a code as default

Thomas Smallwood 8 years ago updated by Scott Linak 8 years ago 3

Set create session as public as default rather than with a code because we don't use codes  or revert back to the old way where you can choose how to create. Or even better allow us to choose as an option 



Hi Thomas,

We'll release an extension that'll allow the default session mode to be set to public within the next day or so. We also added the ability to immediately join the session after creation back in. I'll update the post once the extension is live. 


Hi Thomas,

We'll release an extension that'll allow the default session mode to be set to public within the next day or so. We also added the ability to immediately join the session after creation back in. I'll update the post once the extension is live. 

The Legacy Public Session Creation Extension add-on is buggy.  Why don't you just allow us to chose whether we want codes or Public sessions as a setting. We really do not appreciate your developers arbitrary decision to remove this.

Please describe what bugs you are seeing with the extension in question.