Under Review

Toolbox upgrades

TechCare 7 years ago updated 6 years ago 3

G'day guys,

Toolbox is amazing. But there are some more enhancements I would like to see.

In addition to what is mentioned here - https://control.product.connectwise.com/communities/1/topics/95-make-file-transfers-more-efficient-auto-resume-the-transfer-if-connection-interupted

I would like to see:

- Visible percentage or completion bar of the progress of transfer (it was there and now isn't). I'm talking when accessing the "Manage Toolbox" when connected to client.

- Fix issues with transferring large files. Typically if I try to download 60MB to 130MB file (some installer) then it fails, no warning, no alert, no recovery. Work around is keep trying till it works.


Steven Swarts


- Fix issues with transferring large files. Typically if I try to download 60MB to 130MB file (some installer) then it fails, no warning, no alert, no recovery. Work around is keep trying till it works.

Hi Steven, 

Are you still seeing transfer failures in newer versions of the product? What Control version are you currently using?

Lately I haven't been transferring big files, but today I transferred 50MB from local to remote computer (not via the toolbox). I haven't noticed anything as yet.

I'm running version - 6.9.21870.6964