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Add additional Filters to the Audit Screen + Allow restrict export fields

Shannen 7 years ago updated by Sean White 6 years ago 7 1 duplicate

Most of these exist if you export to CSV but it would be nice to filter it straight away instead of in Excel after + it would be nice to be able to select what columns to export within the CSV.

Filters to match CSV columns:

Organization  (Drop-down + Auto-complete if start typing + Allow multi-select somehow)

Participant Name (Allow / default wildcard so you can use part of name + maybe allow multiple people using a comma)

Event Type (Drop-down + Auto-complete if start typing + Allow multi-select somehow)

Process Type (Drop-down + Auto-complete if start typing + Allow multi-select somehow)

Filter for new 

Session Group (Drop-down + Auto-complete if start typing + Allow multi-select somehow)

Duplicates 1