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Report/audit method to compare CWA & CWC agents

Mike Judd 7 years ago 0

I'd like to have a way to pull info to compare agents and last contact date/time between CWA & CWC agents.

This helps with 2 issues we try to stay on top of:

1) When we offboard a client, the offboarding and/or CWC uninstall scripts do not uninstall CWC.  Agents remain in the system and are just noise.

2) It's not uncommon to find CWA agents that have stopped checking in but do have CWC agents that are still live.  There are various methods to revive/repair/reinstall the CWA agent via CWC command line.  Being able to identify a condition with stale & live agents would allow us to quickly remedy the stale CWA agent.