
"Join a Remote Support Session" on support page looks broken, ticket #s don't work

ResolveIT_Flunky 6 years ago updated by jen davis 2 years ago 5


When you enter an expired ticket number below "Join a Remote Support Session" on this page, the arrow to accept your number stays greyed out.  It just appears the web page isn't working; having an indicator on why the arrow stays greyed out would lead to less frustration, i.e. checking in 4 different browsers on 2 different PCs.  :)




The following message,"To join a session, please contact support to obtain a ticket number", is under the input field.  



The following message,"To join a session, please contact support to obtain a ticket number", is under the input field.  

Yes, that is exactly the place I'm talking about.  Your answer does not address my issue.

My comment relates to entering an (unknowingly) expired support ticket.  Follow me:

1. Get an email after chatting online, it has my ticket#

2. Later, I have an update so I go to the support site to 'Join a Remote Support Session'
3. I enter the ticket number I have from my previous email from ConnectWise support

4. If I enter the number, there is no indication WHY that number won't work.  Just that I can't click on the arrow to the right of where I have entered my (once valid) number. 

I had been told by my ConnectWise support agent that the reason it won't accept the ticket # is that the case had already closed/expired.  Having that information ANYWHERE nearby where I am frustratingly trying to enter what I KNOW is a ticket # and it IS NOT WORKING would be useful.

Please let me know if I need to restate again.

Thanks for the feedback. Since this request is a corporate website improvement, please complete the form here.  

ok, giving up now.

I am wondering why my closed service tickets are all grayed out? Can someone please help me with this?

Thank you!