Considering for Future Release

Delete / recall chat messages

Liam Bowers 6 years ago updated by support 11 months ago 6

Quite a simple concept, i want to be able to delete/recall messages sent in the chat box. We've had a few mistakes recently where it would have been a bit of a lifesaver. You can obviously close the chat window, but you then send another message and the last one appears again in the chat history.

Considering for Future Release

2 years and this still isn't an option? Please add this option.

It's nice that this is being "considered" but chat management is severely lacking for removing messages - whether ONE or ALL. Would be great to see the improvements actually in place! This was requested in 2018 it seems. :(

can this pleased be looked at ??

Still nothing????

After many years, the issue remains unchanged. This option is mandatory for many IT MSPs. Please ensure it is added as soon as possible.