Considering for Future Release

Lock on Disconnect for session groups

PaulTM 6 years ago updated by Kunta Kinke 2 months ago 4

It sure would be nice if we could specify to lock on disconnect for a specific session group, or individual computer. Just modify the config for the device and send a "reconfigure" command that re-installs using the new setting. Would be super nifty. 

Considering for Future Release

Yes, this is a major security issue when remoting into my own desktop. I often come in later in the week to find that my system was left unlocked for days.


I'm interested and I upvote it, even though I always consider it my own responsibility to check this (should i lock pc? or leave it unlock?) before disconnecting from a computer, for several possible scenarios:

  • Mandatory: When you access any server.
  • Situational: When connecting to a user’s PC or workstation.
  • "Dumb": If it’s a standalone PC that needs to remain open for any reason.
  • "Dumbest": When connecting to a PC (when user left the place) with an open session and you don’t know the login password to come back, if needed.

So, every situation is different. But as proposed, would be useful for certain scenarios or certain Sessions Group.