Under Review
Collect additional information to General Information tab (System Utilization, Security Section, DHCP, Gateway, DNS)
It would be nice to have a graph for CPU utilization as well.
Can you also add a section for Security to include:
- Windows Firewall status
- Anti-Virus
- Anti-Malware
To the Network section add:
- DHCP Status
- Default Gateway
- DNS Server
var commandText = "$computer = get-wmiobject win32_computersystem | select Manufacturer, Model, Domain" + "\n" + "$bios = get-wmiobject win32_bios | select Name, SerialNumber" + "\n" + "$av = get-wmiobject -Namespace \"root/SecurityCenter2\" -Class AntiVirusProduct | select displayName" + "\n" + "$as = get-wmiobject -Namespace \"root/SecurityCenter2\" -Class AntiSpywareProduct | select displayName" + "\n" + "$network = get-wmiobject Win32_NetworkAdapterConfiguration |Where {$_.ipaddress -notlike $null}| select DHCPEnabled, DHCPServer,IPAddress, DefaultIPGateway" + "\n" + "write-output $computer.Manufacturer, $computer.Model, $bios.Name, $bios.SerialNumber, $computer.Domain, $network.DHCPEnabled, $network.DHCPServer, $network.IPAddress, $network.DefaultIPGateway, $av.displayName, $as.displayName| ConvertTo-Xml -As Stream";
Thank you.
Customer support service by UserEcho
does the code you posted make these changes in SC ? , if so can you tell me where insert it or how to mod the existing file to show this additional info , sure would be nice
also maybe session custom property id , ie CP = 'Company A' = coa1 ,
Yes, it can. In my environment, this code was added to the Additional General Information module. There are some additional lines that need to be added as well.