Pending Review

Videos: Get all training/HowTo Videos together in one place

Peter OTools 6 years ago updated by anonymous (Product Marketing Manager) 6 years ago 1

This request is only for Forum/Site where to find easily Training/'How to' videos for Connectwise Control.

If I go to Youtube, videos are more about Social Media than training (it's ok anyway), but those seems mixed all together.

It would be awesome to have all educative videos in just one place, easy for user to find, and time-saving for your company Support. Also, please see the way to feed all forum and web site with links pointing to its related video location.

"image worth a thousand words"




Thank you for your request. We created the ConnectWise Control Video Library in documentation for educational videos. We organized the videos here to be a bit easier for partners to find. 

I will pass on your YouTube request to our Marketing team. Thank you.


Thank you for your request. We created the ConnectWise Control Video Library in documentation for educational videos. We organized the videos here to be a bit easier for partners to find. 

I will pass on your YouTube request to our Marketing team. Thank you.