Under Review

The old desktop client back - please

pa 5 years ago updated by Caitlin M Barnes (Product Manager) 5 years ago 5

Please let us have the old desktop client back

Hi Pa, 

We've never had a desktop client - what functionality are you referring to? 



There use to be an extension that allows the client to download a client ot the dekstop.

It looked like this:

This one is translated in to Danish.

Hi Pa, 

Thanks for the screenshot! That extension is actually an outdated version of the Guest Session Starter, which we no longer support. The updated version of the Guest Session Starter allows guests to start a session from the guest page. Another option is the SOS Deployer, which can be placed on the guest machine's desktop. This extension creates a small executable that your customers can click on in order to request assistance. 

Hope this helps!


Thanks for Your answer