Under Review

Default banner relocation: "your computer is being controlled by"

Peter OTools 6 years ago updated by Roger Williams 1 week ago 10 1 duplicate

Dear awesome team!

The mentioned banner ("your computer is being controlled by") is now mandatory in our Company to be always on during sessions.

Please consider to let the costumer (we/IT) setup new banner default location (customized), under whatever method you like.

It is too annoying for us to get that banner on the same spot where a full internet browser shows all tabs opened. It normally covers several browser/tabs' header. We have to constantly move it apart to view/get access what is behind it, every single session.

So anyone might have other possible less-annoying location, in our case we could relocated (i.e) on top of/right corner of the Taskbar would be good enough. Almost nothing get on that spot, and we can move it as well, sparingly.

Thanks you and enjoy the day!

Duplicates 1

Hi JohnD123, 

Did you know you could disable the connection banner? Does that help, or do you still want to see the connection banner, just not in its current location? 

Hey Caitlin,

Yeah i'm aware you can hide it or disable it permanently but then client doesn't always know if you are controlling the PC or not if you are waiting for some process as example other than the missing wallpaper. 

Also from experience, not everyone notices the banner at the top when there are other things in the background while at the bottom it could be made more appealing visually.

And sure for those scenarios when client don't notice that their PC is being controlled, you could set so that client keyboard & mouse is disabled for client upon connect but then you have to revert setting every time when you need the client to show you something.

This also got me curious as to why this hasn't been brought up before since most of my client's often have several tabs open at once in their browser and I often have to move the connection banner to be able to navigate or see w/e tab is below.

Like in the grand scheme of things this isn't a big problem but a tweak to alleviate some minor potential annoyance and while Teamviewer has their banner at the bottom-right, it's also in the way from scrolling unless you hide it. 

Either way bottom middle seems (to me atleast) be a perfect place since you very rarely have anything to press in that area.

Hi Peter, 

Did you know you could disable the connection banner? Wondering if you'd rather disable the connection banner all together, or if you still want to see it, just in a different place? Thanks!

Sorry didn't see that Peter posted the same thing but either way I posted some screenshots as well to demonstrate


+1 from me too. If we could customise the location that would be brilliant. I personally would put it on the left or right.

+1 from me too. Customise the location would be brilliant. I would like to have it on the left or the right.


Caitlin, thanks for your answer.

Yes, It's Company's policy to have it on all the time an IT is connected remotely, so user can see and we avoid any unsolicited connection. It must be a mutual (user/IT) agreement, in fact user must accept connection prior to that.

We need to have it relocated, it could be a specific corner, i.e lets say, down/right (for me the best) or any corner, stick to the edge. In the way it is now, it always bother when you have any browser opened with several tabs, etc.

Thanks JohnD123 you posted 2 very clear image of what I'm talking about. =D

Are there seriously not more requests for this?

Just a while ago I had yet another moment where the banner was in the wrong place.

Often customer/client has a few tabs up as discussed and when customer needs to show you something, they can't as the stupid border is right there and you have to move it every single time.

Can we please get an option to f* *ff the border somewhere else (excuse my language).

Like almost any place is better than top middle. Put it to the center of far right or center at far bottom or the best as an selectable option.

The latest transparency "fix" does absolutely nothing positive in this regard. It doesn't change the fact that there still is something blocking the view & input.

Pretty pretty pretty pretty pretty please fix this

Hi Team

This is quite a dated thread. But I'd like to know how to unhide this bar, after you've chosen to hide it initially, from the drop-down options on the right of the banner?