Under Review

taskbar Icon for ScreenConnect technician side when logging in, Still connectwise

bfabricant 6 years ago updated by Simon Smith224 12 months ago 7

Image 452

Hi Bfabricant, 

Can you give us a little more information about your request? You can change the system tray icon on the Appearance page under client resources by editing the ApplicationIcon16 string; more info here

its on the tech side not the client side,

Is this on an Access session or a Support session? If it's an Access session, you may need to issue a reinstall to apply the application icon changes. 

It is on the support session. Already contacted support and they sent me here. It is not capable for control???

Ah ok, I was able to find your support ticket. Sounds like you need to reinstall your host client. 

The easiest way to do that is through the Reset Host Join Method extension, which can be downloaded on the Extensions tab of the Admin page. After installing the extension, you'll click on your user icon and select reset join method. This will prompt you to download the installer again. 

Missing the Support and Meeting Icon at left navigation menu pane. Only I can view Access and Admin icon. Help me to resolve the issue.