
Control Panel in Backstage

Alex Ramsbey 6 years ago updated by DaveH 2 years ago 5

Hey Team,

So looking into some of the backstage limitations...

You can't open the run window by running: explorer.exe Shell:::{2559a1f3-21d7-11d4-bdaf-00c04f60bf0}

that opens the run dialog box. We are trying to incorporate the control panel into backstage to better assist customers and minimize the interference. To open control panel is the same style of shell command, but alternatively you can simply type: control panel

That will open up the control panel under normal circumstances but currently not in back stage.



Unfortunately, not all applications will work in backstage, and Control panel is one of them. So I have to decline this one as it is not technically feasible.

Considering for Future Release

Adding control panel to backstage would be very useful to my work.  I would specifically be looking for the way to trigger the gui uninstallers for programs where the command-line uninstalls consistently fail.

CCleaner Portable, then navigate to tools and use the uninstaller Feature.


Unfortunately, not all applications will work in backstage, and Control panel is one of them. So I have to decline this one as it is not technically feasible.