Under Review

Android Enterprise Configuration

phil brown 6 years ago updated by swhite (Product Manager) 5 months ago 5

Add Android Enterprise Configuration to the ConnectWise Control apk.

Allow admins to pre-populate their 'Connectwise control URL' when deploying via an MDM platform


Teamviewer allows you to configure a number of application settings via MDM.

It is a pain to require the user to enter the URL on a fully managed Android Enterprise device

Please ScreenConnect can you review this. This is a feature that has been requested for a long time and should be a given nowadays with Android Enterprise and Intune becoming mainstream. IOS would be nice to add to this also.

Thanks for the request. We do have this registered, it seems to be coming up more in the past few months. We are assesing the technical feasibility of this, but it looks like the current architecture would not support this, therefore it will require a fairly major re-write.
We would definitely want to get this done, but as of now I do not have a timeframe for when we could begin scoping it out.