Pending Review

Simple bandwidth monitor or flagging for ConnectWise Control

Burt 5 years ago 0

We have a small office workgroup of 8 computers and I use ConnectWise in it's most basic form to connect to user's PC when there is an issue they need help with, to install updates and the like. One common question is 'why is the network running slow?!' and I wondered if you could add a simple feature or free/fee extension that would allow a quick sense of what a particular device bandwidth usage is, and/or a simple threshold flag so you could see what PC is 'running in the red' and if possible what process is likely to blame. Doesn't have to run in realtime, just when there is a perceived problem if could be launched to determine the likely culprit.

I see ConnectWise Automate but frankly more power than I can handle or need.