
Session Group Filter For Recently Added

Ran_Dee 5 years ago updated by swhite (Product Manager) 2 years ago 6

Since my client is set to install via GPO on devices joining the domain, or after reboot, I get devices connected to my ScreenConnect sessions frequently. Unfortunately, I have no way to determine which computers were joined unless I were to make the installer completely blank, but then I would need to figure out what site they were at. 

There should be a session group filter option for recently added. This will let us determine which devices recently joined the sessions list. 



Better late than never... This is the syntax you'd want to use:

  FirstEventTime > $4DAYSAGO

(You can replace 4 with whatever number you want.)

Hi Ran_Dee, 

You could create a session filter using LastConnectedEventTime < $7DAYSAGO, so you'll catch machines that are not only calling in for the first time, but machines that were also offline and came back online. Hope this helps! 


This is a slight help, but a session group filter for newly installed agents is a much better solution IMO. Thanks though. 


I actually just found a session group property that should be helpful (I forgot all about it!). What about FirstEventTime > $XDAYSAGO to find recently added? First event time would be connection, so that should work for your purposes. 

I tried FirstEventTime < $7DAYSAGO and it gave me almost the same number of machines in the total list. It's only off by 3, but I don't think that will work, unless I should combine it with another one. 


Better late than never... This is the syntax you'd want to use:

  FirstEventTime > $4DAYSAGO

(You can replace 4 with whatever number you want.)