Pending Review

Idle time productivity report and monitoring for remote workforce users accessing their PC.

Oliver Kaufhold 4 years ago updated by Boneskull 1 year ago 4

This is a must have during the COVID pandemic for us to monitor and report on user activity. Thanks

Hi Oliver, using the Report Manager extension, you can create a report on user total connection time. Here are the attributes we suggest: 

Idle time is known as GuestLastActivityTime, which can be added to this report. 

thanks for the above report. I still have a couple of questions:

1. I am looking for Guest / Computer Idle time - the above appear to be Host connections? 

2. How do I group the data by day? 

3. Bottem line I need to know Idle Time by computer or user on a a daily basis 

want same thing as ToddG.

need to know Idle Time by computer or user on a a daily basis

Looking for idle time report too.