Pending Review

Ability to configure that the recording is started automatically when a session starts (with local avi storage)

info 5 years ago updated by Sascha Skeries 4 years ago 1

Currently we can record a session by pressing the record button

By doing so the avi file can be stored on the local computer,

It would be nice that we can enable the record function automatically when a session is started.

Note: this is different from the "extended auditing" function where also each session is automatically recorded. Because then the recording is stored on the ConnectWise Control server. We want to store each session immediately on our local hard disk and not use a tool to download the recording afterwards from the ConnectWise Control server. When we press the record button manually then it works exactly how we like it. We do not like the fact that we have to press the record button always manually when a session is started.

This a feature we use extensively with TeamViewer to be able to independendly share session captures in case of questions or similar without administrator intervention.