Pending Review

Guest Pass with different Role permissions

info 5 years ago updated by Caitlin M Barnes (Product Manager) 5 years ago 1

When granting a Guest Pass; it would be great if you could generate this based on a lower set of permissions/Role.

Currently, the only option is that you have to grant permissions based on your only permisison, for example, Administrator. but if you could restrict this, with the ability to turn off features by using a Role, then you could grant a secure access for a Guest Pass

The host pass option includes several permission levels: 

  • My Permissions will give the host pass the same role-based security permissions as your host account.
  • My permissions EXCEPT transfer files will give the host pass the same role-based security permissions as your host account with the exception of file transfer.
  • My permissions EXCEPT print will give the host pass the same role-based security permissions as your host account with the exception of printing.
  • My permissions AND requires consent will give the host pass the same role-based security permissions as your host account but will require consent from the remote user.
  • View-Only permission will only allow your technician to view a session without any remote interaction.

More information in our documentation!