Under Review

Export Machine List to csv

Peyton Wray 4 years ago updated by Peter Groman 2 years ago 5

It would be handy to have the ability to export the list of Machines that are connected through Access, so we can see Names, Serial Numbers, Operating Systems, and so on within a csv file.



Peyton, thank you for raising a feature request with us. Please install 'Report Manager' extension from "Browse Extension Marketplace". To know more about the extension please click below link:

Also, select Report Type as 'Session' to get all the required fields and then select Run Options to download the CSV file.


Peyton, thank you for raising a feature request with us. Please install 'Report Manager' extension from "Browse Extension Marketplace". To know more about the extension please click below link:

Also, select Report Type as 'Session' to get all the required fields and then select Run Options to download the CSV file.

This does not solve the problem.  This extension only allows you to export a CSV of sessions (support connections to a machine). NOT a list of machines that have agents installed.

I am in need o the same report - a list of all the machines we own.  The Report Manager extension doesn't give it.  

The only 3 extensions available are:

  • Reports Manager - Sessions only
  • Reports Dashboard - doesnt work / will not install
  • Report Generator - doesn't work / will not install 

When this this basic function be added to Connectwise Control? And no, Report Manager does not provide this.


I have tried building a report via Report Manager using below:

And this is what the result was:

Please do try this and confirm.