Pending Review

usb forwarding

Dan DiMuzio 4 years ago updated by Eli@Mavidea 3 years ago 8 1 duplicate

Can you please add ability to connect to remote USB devices. Trying to use a 3D space mouse from home to operate with Solid Edge software at work.

Duplicates 1

I agree this would be valuable to have for scanning devices as well.


It’d be nice if we can forward mics too. That way I can use Teams or Zoom on the remote computer.

This would be so useful! We would be able to use Apple Configurator 2 via Screenconnect on a remote Macbook instead of having to share the Macbook between Techs! Please consider adding this feature 🤞


Please add this feature - it would also enable 3d and other mouse redirection over remote sessions - currently we are having to use a 3rd party tool to accomplish this. Thank you!


Without this feature, smart cards and hardware security keys cannot be used, which is a major issue.

If ConnectWise Control can do remote printing, I don't see why they can't do this as well?

Definitely would like to see this as a function, as we have many situations that would benefit this passthrough (barring proper permissions to turn on and off if needed for users)