Pending Review

Additional Virtual Monitors

Rocky Pierce 4 years ago updated by Liam R 7 months ago 4

I would like the ability to add extra monitors virtually. I remote into severs all the time and they usually have one monitor, which can limit me on what I'm doing. Is there a way to make the server think there are multiple monitors or some how use the Windows virtual desktops so I can have 2 different Control Windows open and use them like there are 2 monitors? Thanks. 


I will 3rd this.  I have clients that have more monitors at home, than are physically connected to the "Host" PC at the office and they would like to be able to use all their local monitors.

When they connect in to the Host via RDP, they can use all their local monitors.  It is really hard to convince a client to use a more secure product when they loose functionality. 


Having remote users use this product for access was one of the selling points for us.

Do you know how disheartening it is to see the same request from 3 years ago?

Quit buying new products and get the ones you have up to standards.

Just installed, same problem.

This would be a very useful feature. You are able to do this on teamviewer