
add ability to share only a selected application during a meeting .

TekSigns 9 years ago updated by anonymous 9 years ago 5

add ability to share only a selected application during a meeting .



When you start out with one application you can change it to another anytime during the meeting by clicking the "Change Sharing" option in the sidebar. Take a look at "Conducting your meeting" Section here: https://help.screenconnect.com/ScreenConnect_Remote_Meeting_Guide

You can also switch to fullscreen just by a right-click on the gray area at the top of a host client and then selecting "Maximize". https://help.screenconnect.com/Additional_client_right-click_features

Hello TekSigns, there is the ability to share an application at the start of a meeting.


Is this what you are asking for?

we yes and no. i would like the ability to share a app at begening and switch apps if nessary during meeting or

switch to full screen as needed .


When you start out with one application you can change it to another anytime during the meeting by clicking the "Change Sharing" option in the sidebar. Take a look at "Conducting your meeting" Section here: https://help.screenconnect.com/ScreenConnect_Remote_Meeting_Guide

You can also switch to fullscreen just by a right-click on the gray area at the top of a host client and then selecting "Maximize". https://help.screenconnect.com/Additional_client_right-click_features

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