Pending Review

Connect Wise Control - Chat window to come to the front of all apps and windows and beep

Westek 3 years ago updated by Wes Hedrick 2 months ago 3

Connect Wise Control - Chat window to come to the front of all apps and windows and beep

Hi Westek,

Can you elaborate more on this please? A scenario or an example would be appreciated.

I think the issue is that when you try to chat with someone in the CW Control portal but you haven't connected to the machine yet, the chat window comes up behind other windows so the user can't see it and doesn't know to respond. The chat window should come up in front of other windows or there should be a option to bring it to the front without fully connecting. I often want to ask in chat if now is a good time to look at an issue. I don't want to make a full remote connection to their machine just to ask if I can make a full remote connection to their machine.

I created my own post on this, but can we get this looked at?
This would be a huge feature. 
Theres no way for users to know we are messaging them if the window gets hidden behind everything else.