Pending Review

Trust this device can this be permanent ?

Giannis Barbounakis 3 years ago updated by Sean Keown 1 year ago 5

Is it possible for the option to "trust this device" to be permanent and not rarely appear ?

We would like to always  have a one time password !!

Image 975

This is customizable in the web. You could probably set it super high if you wanted. 

But it's up to your admin to configure. 

Advanced > System Options

I set ours to 365 days and it says "Trust this device for 365 days" next to the checkbox, but guess what I still have to do every seven days :(

Did you just change the text or actually change the system options? They are different fields. 

Thank you, here is what I have in Advanced->Web Configuration->Settings

Image 1195

If that's the case then I would for sure open a ticket with CW and report that as a bug to get any movement. That way it will appear on the known issue tracker they have. 

I feel as if they only look at the forums when things get slow or only for enhancements that are not bugs. 
