Pending Review

Modify Auto Upgrade to stop if AutoUpdate is unchecked.

connie sarvis 3 years ago updated by Adam T Smith 3 months ago 1

AutoUpdate is not checked but upgrades happen anyway. Random updates cause Carbon Black to detect this traffic as supsicious and creates an alert and blocks the updates.We evaluate every alert and this becomes very time consuming. The installer is setup.msi. Because of this, we would have to whitelist setup.msi and any applications with that woudl be allowed to installed.  This puts our network at risk and is unacceptable.

This is the response received when I created a ticket about the Auto Update.

'My name is **** with ConnectWise Control (ScreenConnect) support. I have received your ticket and I'm sorry to hear about the trouble you ran into yesterday morning! We normally recommend to keep the automatic agent updating enabled, as the client versions should be kept up to date as closely as possible to the server version. Our cloud engineering team periodically run scripts to check for older client versions, and will push a reinstall/update out when such versions are found -- which is the "Cloud Administrator" that you saw in the log.'

Regarding Carbon Black and getting the system whitelisted - I know that we do have other partners using Carbon Black that presumably do not have similar issues with the reinstallations, so it should be possible to configure it to allow for this without any modifications to Control. We have had requests in the past to modify the auto upgrade behavior -- if you have a moment to vote and comment on the feature request, that would definitely help get it in the conversation with our development team

Hi Team, We would also like to request the same. ScreenConnect enables our team to ensure that we can connect and assist at any stage, however the auto update functionality breaks our change freezes, it makes is tricky to keep the correct version on machines as they're being AutoPiloted (and the silent install will fail when it tries to auto update in a hidden window) and an enterprise can't function without a release schedule. The updates work once the device works, when it is being setup however means that we don't get the opportunity to remediate this due to this bug. 

Connectwise stands alone with this inability to hold versions back.