
Better method for update email notifications. Control Output Stream not always accurate.

nathan levandowski 3 years ago updated 3 years ago 4

I'm subscribed to notifications from the Control Output Stream so I know when Connectwise Control needs to be updated. Unfortunately, this is not always accurate. Today I got an email showing that 22.1 is tagged as Stable here, but it's not actually released on the download page or admin page update check as Stable yet. Also, I wish there was a way to subscribe to emails only for Stable releases so I don't get irrelevant emails about Internal and Canary.




We have found an issue that affects on-premise installation performance, cloud instances were not affected so we decided to release to the cloud first while the issue is resolved.  We hope to have a fix for this before the end of the week and will post the download as soon as it is ready.

Unfortunately there is not a way to only subscribe to stable release notifications.



We have found an issue that affects on-premise installation performance, cloud instances were not affected so we decided to release to the cloud first while the issue is resolved.  We hope to have a fix for this before the end of the week and will post the download as soon as it is ready.

Unfortunately there is not a way to only subscribe to stable release notifications.

Thanks for the info. Would the ability to subscribe to stable release notifications be better as a separate feature request since this one is closed?  Perhaps a better feature request would be for improving the update process for on-premise installations? (We use on-premise connectwise control) I can open a new feature request with ideas for that function if it makes sense to do so.