Pending Review

Friendly Name to show on both RMM and Control Dashboards

angela blancopulido 2 years ago updated by swhite (Product Manager) 2 years ago 1

The RMM console has the ability to add friendly names to devices, however this does not carry over to the ConnectWise Control dashboard.

It'd be great to be able to see the friendly name of the device on both dashboards/device lists.

Also, the way ConnectWise Control groups devices by company (sites) on the left panel is a great feature. I wish the RMM did the same at some point (so we don't have to be applying filters all the time).



This request would have to be fulfilled by the RMM console integration team, as it is not a function of control. I have forwarded this to that product team.


This request would have to be fulfilled by the RMM console integration team, as it is not a function of control. I have forwarded this to that product team.