Under review

User credential storage for maintenance periods

nate greene 2 years ago updated by Caitlin M Barnes (Product Manager) 1 year ago 0


We recently moved to ConnectWise for the Access feature that it included. One feature that seems to be missing over the product we moved away from (LogMeIn Rescue) is password storage for "unattended sessions".

In an unattended session, the user grants access to their machine by entering their username and password which is stored for the duration of the unattended session. Access offers better accessibility to our end user machines, but when I am performing a Windows build upgrade, it is easier to sign in as the user so the profile provisioning process completes before the user goes to use their machine the next day.

The current limitation by Access is that we can capture the credentials and push them UNTIL the computer is rebooted for the build upgrade (e.g. Windows 10 22H2). After the reboot is completed, the credentials will no longer push. If this feature could be improved by allowing for longer storage (such as for maintenance), it would be much appreciated.
