
administratively close a host connection that is holding onto a license.

thegreatgouldini 9 years ago updated by anonymous 9 years ago 2

Close a host connection where the connection is inactive or the host computer is inaccessible and is holding onto a license.



There is an option in the 5.6 release to boot hosts from a session from the host page: https://help.screenconnect.com/ScreenConnect_5.6_Release_Notes#Disconnect_Session_Participants_from_the_Host_Page. 5.6 is available as a pre-release for Cloud and On Prem.


There is an option in the 5.6 release to boot hosts from a session from the host page: https://help.screenconnect.com/ScreenConnect_5.6_Release_Notes#Disconnect_Session_Participants_from_the_Host_Page. 5.6 is available as a pre-release for Cloud and On Prem.

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