Pending Review

Accept parameters on MSI client setup packages

bret larwick 2 years ago updated by smalik 7 months ago 1

It would be incredibly beneficial if your ClientSetup MSI packages accepted parameters.  Instead of downloading 30 different installers for all of our departments, if we could have a single MSI installer and then call it the installation with a -department or -company or other parameters that would save a lot of time.

example:  msiexec /i "ConnectWiseControl.ClientSetup.msi -company OurCompany -department 'Human Resources'" /qn

ConnectWise team, please look into this. All of our vendor agents allow for installs like this with the exception of ScreenConnect. We have to download and host 120 different MSIs to accomplish this. I know you can do URL downloads, but for security reasons, we have our SC instance locked down.