

David Wilson 2 years ago updated by swhite (Product Manager) 2 years ago 3

Can't see bug submit forum. 

anyone have issues with the Android app when trying to connect to a guest? 


seems like it doesn't know the scheme in which to launch? Android issue or perhaps the new SC version? B



Resolved in 23.5.7:

Build: 23.5.7

Issue TypeComponentsSummary
TaskActivity Tracing, Security Manager Service, Session Manager Service

Improve WCF exception serialization and activity tracing

BugAndroid, Host Page

Joining session as host within Android app fails with ERR_UNKNOWN_URL_SCHEME

Same for us: upgraded to and android app stop working


Resolved in 23.5.7:

Build: 23.5.7

Issue TypeComponentsSummary
TaskActivity Tracing, Security Manager Service, Session Manager Service

Improve WCF exception serialization and activity tracing

BugAndroid, Host Page

Joining session as host within Android app fails with ERR_UNKNOWN_URL_SCHEME

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