Pending Review

force session recording based on roles or users

Angelos 1 year ago updated by TomTrax 4 months ago 3

as we work with multiple 3rd parties giving us support on several machines, we find it hard to prove sometimes that they are causing issues with the settings/patches/actions they did while connected.

we would like to be able to enforce session recording based on specific Role or cw tech User. I.e. when a cw tech user assigned that role connects to a client, then it should record the session (and tech should not be able to disable that).

we do not need to record all sessions of other cw users - as is now the enabling is global and we do not have this option.

Are we going to get any traction on this? Still pending review after 5 months?

Would be nice if this could get reviewed and implemented. 

I was about to make this post but searched and found yours. Sad to see it has not gotten any replies.

We are in a similar situation where vendors/contractors will sometimes need to get into a machine. We thought we would be able to set auto recording based on role or user but neither is an option. I was told we can enable it for every session and then set an auto delete for a couple days out, but that isnt what we want to do. We only want to record specific users/roles. Not sure why this cannot be added as auto record is already in place. Should be able to have that check against user/role and auto record if matched.