Pending Review

Ability to force chat window to front

Wes Hedrick 7 months ago updated by Sean Keown 3 months ago 7


Currently, the chat window is pushed behind open apps when sending a message to users before connecting. Can we add a feature to force the chat window to the front when a message is sent? This will help ensure that users see the message notification and are aware that we are reaching out to them. The ability to toggle this feature on would be greatly beneficial.

It looks like this has been requested a few times in the last 8 years. 

Advanced > Other > Always On Top

Image 1272

If you're using the clickoncerun apps you may need to clear the cache on the remote machine.

Rundll32 dfshim CleanOnlineAppCache

Where is the Advanced?  Cause I don't see it...

It's a plugin. Once that's installed the options will appear. 

Image 1281

Is the "host window" ONLY the chat window? 
Also, That setting wont force chat to the front as far as im aware if the user is actively using the machine. 
Ill test it real quick. 

Checking that box will force the remote computer's chat window in front of their other windows. 

Anytime I connect it pops in front of all windows on the remote machine. I'm sure it's possible a developer set their app to also Always on Top so it's hard to say which one might win.  

Image 1273

Yeah, figured it out. 
We set it up like you had it above originally.
The problem was we didnt reinstall the agent after making the change. 

So when i made this post i was under the impression that this setting didnt apply to the chat window. 
it DOES in fact apply to the chat window. 

Anyone else who reads this:
Reinstall the endpoint agent for it to take effect.