
Please Change Price or Pricing Structure - Need support from startups

The Gentle Geek 8 years ago updated by anonymous 8 years ago 3

I just spoke to screenconnect sales department and found out that you may be working on creating a different pricing structure by the end of the year 2016. I am just getting started out as a 1 or 2 man shop with 5 or 6 clients and there are thousands of companies like this all over the USA. $24 per month is just too much for a tiny company that runs 5 or 6 sessions PER YEAR. May I suggest that you offer a $5 or $10 single session pricing model? That I could afford. Also you offer Remote Access for 25 agents for $300 per year. Again... think about 1 or 2 agents with 5 or 6 clients. How could you price the Remote Access so tiny companies like us can afford it, and still make money? I am counting on you, my fellow startups, to plus one this post so screenconnect staff will consider changing their price or pricing structure. Thank you for your support!



We added in a Free license tier that provides up to three access agents and one support session connection at a time, follow the link below for more info. https://www.screenconnect.com/Pricing


SC had a pretty steep price increase about a year ago when they made a big push from self hosted to hosted. Personally I think it was a mistake since they had such a niche product that filled the void for small shops who didnt want to fork over insane amounts to the citrixs, bomgars, or teamviewers of the world and just wanted to pay for software development and not hosting. I would think alot of potential potential small shop customers who would have purchased on the old model thought differently after the change.2 years ago, A small shop like your size, could have bought the software with 1 active session (unlimited agents, unlimited access clients), install it on a old PC and run it over your own internet connection and it would have cost you about $325 up front and about $65 every year after if you wanted updates and support. It was fantastic for a small shop, nothing compared.


IDK why, but I have tremendous faith in SC, since it has satisfied all my expectations for a RD software far from the marketplace. Now this IS the issue, the only one so far. You guys are right. SC shouldn't loose the horizon meanwhile is looking for big jumps on market share and etc. In technology, even when everything goes upside-down, left-to-right, they shouldn't loose the horizon that, the richest and deeper impact of a software in the marketplace pass through who use it: IT. What it means is: A software endure thru the years to come, when it holds whoever supports it: IT guys. We need SC supporting small IT (or solo) companies. There is no other type of sustainability (if I'm using right English word). We feed-back SC with all the improvements, error-fixing, smart-features to come, etc, don't forget that huge contribution we give constantly.


We added in a Free license tier that provides up to three access agents and one support session connection at a time, follow the link below for more info. https://www.screenconnect.com/Pricing