Considering for Future Release

SC variable for filtering under SEARCH

Peter OTools 8 years ago updated by Kunta Kinke 2 months ago 4

It maybe possible already, here the question: Can I use some SC variable to be used in Search box, so I can filter only some specific sessions? ie: lets say TimeConnected is a SC variable for Time that session is still connected, and I use like: TimeConnected > 3 (where 3 could be hours, or any kind of fomat it might use) in the Search box. IDK if that is possible or too complex to develop. But it would be an outstanding flexibility for filtering and search. Thanks!

Pending Review
Considering for Future Release

Hey Peter,

To filter by properties you must start off with ##, see example below.

## GuestConnectedCount > 0

## Name LIKE 'Pretoria'

Could you provide a bit more information on what you're trying to accomplish by looking at time connected? 

I tried that in the SEARCH BAR (as this note is about: SC variable for filtering under SEARCH), and this was the output:

Nothing in "All Machines by Company" for your search "## Name LIKE 'Casa'" (following your model exactly)
Now, I don't know if those example formula you provided is for Session Group Filter instead (which didn't work either), but as the title says: under Search Bar (center/magnifier).

I know this my answer is 7 years old, so help me if any upgrade on syntax and such.

Thanks in advance.