Session log to SysLog Server - Compliance Need
The Ohio Attorney General requires that all remote access activities are logged with the individual who is performing the remote support, along with the machine he is remoting to with current date and time. We currently use a third party vendor's SysLog server to capture and store firewall logs and they are kept for 7 years. It makes sense to use the same vendor to capture and store the remote access logs too. This feature request is to add an option to output session information to a SysLog server.
I would second this request, since we too will be having this requirement from the Compliance point of view.
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Hi There, This is not entirely completed. It is great that it logs sessions etc, however it should also log sign in attempts to the control web page so brute force attempts can be logged.
Without this feature the syslog does not provide security compliance.
Customer support service by UserEcho
We've built an extension to solve this request, click the link below for more information.