
Save a shortcut to a screenconnect client

andrew 8 years ago updated by anonymous 8 years ago 1

save a shortcut to a client



Hi Andrew,

Have you tried using the ScreenConnector extension? This will allow you to pin any of your sessions so you can later connect to them without having to go to your host page. Note that when you want to add a session you'll need to know the session name since the extension will not list all available sessions out for you, but they'll be saved once pinned. For more information visit this page: http://forum.screenconnect.com/yaf_postst4354_Extension--ScreenConnector.aspx


Hi Andrew,

Have you tried using the ScreenConnector extension? This will allow you to pin any of your sessions so you can later connect to them without having to go to your host page. Note that when you want to add a session you'll need to know the session name since the extension will not list all available sessions out for you, but they'll be saved once pinned. For more information visit this page: http://forum.screenconnect.com/yaf_postst4354_Extension--ScreenConnector.aspx