
Licensing for on-premise test lab

Derek Martin 8 years ago updated by Preston Bishop (Associate Product Manager) 4 weeks ago 2

Hey guys, we are still running 5.5 in our live environment and have been working with 6.0 in a test environment for a number of weeks making changes prior to pushing those changes along with 6.0 to production.

Every couple weeks I have been calling sales to get a new trial license for the test environment which is very cumbersome. Also, once we complete testing and upgrade to 6.0 in production with the changes we have been working on it would be great to continue to work in a test lab environment prior to making production changes. We prefer to test in a lab rather than test in production.

Right now there is no way for us to accomplish this without calling every few weeks and getting a new trial license, getting all the automatically generated emails that come along with it, and I was told by sales that there is a limit on how many times we'll be able to get these trial licenses.

It would be really good if we could get a license or some method of having our screenconnect test lab live and available to work on all the time.