
ScreenConnect Service Virtual Appliance VM

lagoon kellen 8 years ago updated by Preston Bishop (Associate Product Manager) 5 days ago 4

deploy screen connect without an OS as a virtual appliance


I'm sure some sort of OS would be required :P

But a prebuilt linux image for hperv and vmware would be great!

Hi All,

Could you add a few more details to this request so we have a better understanding as to what you're trying to accomplish? 

I made some assumptions based on the original poster's request so maybe they will update here with more clarification, but I can expand on my assumptions for now. 

When I think of a virtual appliance I think of the VMWare vCenter virtual appliance, which is distributed as a complete linux based VM with the software preinstalled in a vendor supported package. We see more and more vendors doing this, for instance several of our fortinet firewalls are available as vmware or hyperv images that you simply boot up and in a few minutes have a functional product, this makes them easily portable to public cloud as well. 

Generally these are linux based so the licensing minefield is avoided. For ourselves, we aren't a linux shop beyond dabbling so while we run several linux appliances because those are fully supported by the vendor, we have Control on a Windows server since we have to support the OS and that does increase our cost of the Control solution.

I can see that this would increase dev load on creating and maintaining these images, so that could be a negative. This can be beneficial in two ways as well though, firstly that it provides a standardized and controlled environment for dev to develop for. This is not as big a gain if you still have to maintain all the existing product builds to maintain flexibility for your clients. The second advantage is that it could greatly reduce the support load in that they will be working with standardized environments as well instead of troubleshooting client environments as much as the product. 

For the client, rebuilding/upgrading can be much simpler and faster as well if there is a process for simply exporting the DB and importing it to a fresh new appliance VM.

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