
Record Video option to also include the mouse pointer in the recording

Xylotek Kevin 8 years ago updated by anonymous 8 years ago 1

When connected to a remote machine via Screenconnect the option to Record Video does not record the mouse pointer.

Would like to see the mouse pointer in the captured video as well, otherwise using the video to demonstrate the actions is disjointed at times as there is no flow as what actions were taken on the recording.

Image 20



Hi Xylotek,

What OS and ScreenConnect version are you hosting off? The cursor should always be captured in a recorded video. I suggest you reach out to our support team if you're still having this problem.


Hi Xylotek,

What OS and ScreenConnect version are you hosting off? The cursor should always be captured in a recorded video. I suggest you reach out to our support team if you're still having this problem.