
CTRL + ALT + INS hotkey to send CTRL + ALT + DEL

Samuel 8 years ago updated 8 years ago 3

So for anyone out there that uses VMWare, you know CTRL + ALT + INS is a hotkey to send CTRL + ALT + DEL through to the console. Can we design ScreenConnect to do the same thing? Sure it's just a couple clicks away, but it would be a great convenience to not even have to do that.



CAD commands are mapped to Ctrl-Alt-Home in SC Host Client. Other shortcuts are mapped here: https://help.screenconnect.com/Keyboard_mapping_and_keyboard_shortcuts_reference. We don't use insert as to not conflict with other tools.


CAD commands are mapped to Ctrl-Alt-Home in SC Host Client. Other shortcuts are mapped here: https://help.screenconnect.com/Keyboard_mapping_and_keyboard_shortcuts_reference. We don't use insert as to not conflict with other tools.

Surely you are a god among men good sir.