Considering for Future Release

Computer Added trigger to email machine information when installed

Stuart 8 years ago updated by Rhys Comley 4 years ago 3

We've got a trigger set up that emails us when a new access client is installed:
Event.EventType = 'CreatedSession'

However, the CreatedSession event occurs immediately when a session first calls back to the server, so has very minimal information (the Session.SessionID, and that's it).

We'd like to see more detail being fed back on that EventType.:

- {Session.SessionID}: The unique ID of the session in GUID (Globally Unique Identifier) format
- {Session.Name}: The name of the session
- {Session.Host}: The user name of the host of the session
- {Session.SessionType}: The type of the session: 'Support', 'Meeting', or 'Access'
- {Session.IsPublic}: A flag indicating whether the session is public
- {Session.Code}: The access code for the session, if defined
- {Session.Notes}: A semicolon-delimited list of all notes added to the session
- {Session.HostConnectedCount}: The number of hosts connected to the session
- {Session.GuestConnectedCount}: The number of guests connected to the session
- {Session.CustomPropertyN}: The value of custom property N; N is 1-8 (CustomProperty1 is "Organization" OOTB)
- {Session.GuestLoggedOnUserDomain}: The domain of the user logged onto the guest machine
- {Session.GuestLoggedOnUserName}: The name of the user logged onto the guest machine
- {Session.GuestLastActivityTime}: The time of last activity on the guest machine
- {Session.GuestMachineDomain}: The domain or workgroup of the guest machine
- {Session.GuestMachineName}: The name of the guest machine
- {Session.GuestOperatingSystemName}: The name of the operating system of the guest machine
- {Session.GuestOperatingSystemVersion}: The version of the guest operating system, in N.N.N.N notation
- {Session.GuestProcessorName}: The name of the processor on the guest machine
- {Session.GuestProcessorVirtualCount}: The number of virtual processors on the guest machine
- {Session.GuestSystemMemoryTotalMegabytes}: The total system memory on the guest machine, in megabytes
- {Session.GuestSystemMemoryAvailableMegabytes}: The available system memory on the guest machine, in megabytes
- {Session.GuestClientVersion}: The version of client software on the guest machine, in N.N.N.N notation
- {Session.GuestNetworkAddress}: The network address of the guest machine, usually in N.N.N.N IPv4 notation
- {Connection.ConnectionID}: The unique ID of the connection in GUID (Globally Unique Identifier) format
- {Connection.ProcessType}: The process type ('Unknown', 'Guest', 'Host') of the connection as a string
- {Connection.ClientType}: The client type ('Unknown', 'DotNetWinForms', 'JavaSwing', 'JavaAndroid', 'MonoTouchIos') of the connection as a string
- {Connection.ClientVersion}: The client version of the connection
- {Connection.Attributes}: The attributes of the connection, currently unused
- {Connection.NetworkAddress}: The network address of the connection, usually in N.N.N.N IPv4 notation
- {Connection.ParticipantName}: The participant name of the connection
- {Connection.ConnectedTime}: The date/time connected of the connection
- {Event.EventID}: The unique ID of the event in GUID (Globally Unique Identifier) format
- {Event.Host}: The host that performed the event, if it was performed outside of a connection
- {Event.EventType}: The type of the event as a string; values are listed below
- {Event.Time}: The date/time of the event
- {Event.Data}: Data that describes the event

Considering for Future Release

Is this going to happen?

Is this feature available now? how can we be notified when new agents are deployed to a session folder?