Computer Added trigger to email machine information when installed
We've got a trigger set up that emails us when a new access client is installed:
Event.EventType = 'CreatedSession'
However, the CreatedSession event occurs immediately when a session first calls back to the server, so has very minimal information (the Session.SessionID, and that's it).
We'd like to see more detail being fed back on that EventType.:
- {Session.SessionID}: The unique ID of the session in GUID (Globally Unique Identifier) format
- {Session.Name}: The name of the session
- {Session.Host}: The user name of the host of the session
- {Session.SessionType}: The type of the session: 'Support', 'Meeting', or 'Access'
- {Session.IsPublic}: A flag indicating whether the session is public
- {Session.Code}: The access code for the session, if defined
- {Session.Notes}: A semicolon-delimited list of all notes added to the session
- {Session.HostConnectedCount}: The number of hosts connected to the session
- {Session.GuestConnectedCount}: The number of guests connected to the session
- {Session.CustomPropertyN}: The value of custom property N; N is 1-8 (CustomProperty1 is "Organization" OOTB)
- {Session.GuestLoggedOnUserDomain}: The domain of the user logged onto the guest machine
- {Session.GuestLoggedOnUserName}: The name of the user logged onto the guest machine
- {Session.GuestLastActivityTime}: The time of last activity on the guest machine
- {Session.GuestMachineDomain}: The domain or workgroup of the guest machine
- {Session.GuestMachineName}: The name of the guest machine
- {Session.GuestOperatingSystemName}: The name of the operating system of the guest machine
- {Session.GuestOperatingSystemVersion}: The version of the guest operating system, in N.N.N.N notation
- {Session.GuestProcessorName}: The name of the processor on the guest machine
- {Session.GuestProcessorVirtualCount}: The number of virtual processors on the guest machine
- {Session.GuestSystemMemoryTotalMegabytes}: The total system memory on the guest machine, in megabytes
- {Session.GuestSystemMemoryAvailableMegabytes}: The available system memory on the guest machine, in megabytes
- {Session.GuestClientVersion}: The version of client software on the guest machine, in N.N.N.N notation
- {Session.GuestNetworkAddress}: The network address of the guest machine, usually in N.N.N.N IPv4 notation
- {Connection.ConnectionID}: The unique ID of the connection in GUID (Globally Unique Identifier) format
- {Connection.ProcessType}: The process type ('Unknown', 'Guest', 'Host') of the connection as a string
- {Connection.ClientType}: The client type ('Unknown', 'DotNetWinForms', 'JavaSwing', 'JavaAndroid', 'MonoTouchIos') of the connection as a string
- {Connection.ClientVersion}: The client version of the connection
- {Connection.Attributes}: The attributes of the connection, currently unused
- {Connection.NetworkAddress}: The network address of the connection, usually in N.N.N.N IPv4 notation
- {Connection.ParticipantName}: The participant name of the connection
- {Connection.ConnectedTime}: The date/time connected of the connection
- {Event.EventID}: The unique ID of the event in GUID (Globally Unique Identifier) format
- {Event.Host}: The host that performed the event, if it was performed outside of a connection
- {Event.EventType}: The type of the event as a string; values are listed below
- {Event.Time}: The date/time of the event
- {Event.Data}: Data that describes the event
Customer support service by UserEcho
Is this going to happen?
Is this feature available now? how can we be notified when new agents are deployed to a session folder?